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6 resources

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Werewolf Willie Loves Valentine's Day Fill-In Story
by Patrick Ijima-Washburn

A funny illustrated fill-in story about Willie the Werewolf where kids are asked to fill in specific kinds of words (parts of speech, pieces of clothing, etc.). Includes the original story with 'w'...

Ambiki - Feeding 101 Caregiver Handout 6 Non-food Sensory Activities to Do with Your Child at Home

Feeding 101 Caregiver Handout: 6 Non-Food Sensory Activities to Do With Your Child At Home
by Gabriella Cousino, M.S., CF-SLP

Feeding 101 Caregiver Handout: includes 6 non-food sensory activities to do with your child at home.

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Story Dice For Language Building and Writing Prompts, Wh- Question Dice
by Jessica Lenden-Holt

Story dice are a fun way to elicit speech, language and writing samples and to target goals in therapy or in centers! Dice include engaging images for writing prompts and conversational starters. T...

Ambiki - Stuttering Jeopardy

Stuttering Facts & Myths Jeopardy
by Ian Quillen, M.S., CCC-SLP

[Stuttering Facts & Myths Jeopardy.pptx] An interactive powerpoint with jeopardy facts & myths about stuttering. This can be useful to provide education to school-age, adolescent, and adult clients...

Ambiki - Celebrate Spring

Kiki Celebrates Spring
by Bailey Morgan, M.A., CCC-SLP

Kiki Celebrates Spring. Short story with spring vocabulary, can be used by itself or with one of the Spring resources (i.e. making strawberry shortcake activity, bee pattern tracing...)

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Story and Conversation Starters
by Jessica Lenden-Holt

Story Starter photos for sentence or conversational level goals. Can be modified to target articulation, language or fluency.

Teletherapy-only resource

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